Your summary and starting place
Last updated
Your summary and starting place
Last updated
After signing-in, you will be taken to the Dashboard page. The dashboard provides an overview of your organization along with deep-links to respective areas of the app.
You can use this button for the following features
Edit your user profile:
Change notifications settings:
Reset password:
Toggle between dark and light themes
Sign out of the tool
Settings button houses the following features:
Credentials - You can view, add, edit, disable, view logs and delete credentials for your org.
Single Sign-on - Enables you to configure SSO for your organization
Organization - View or Edit your organization settings.
API Keys - add and manage you configure8 API Keys.
Information button provides easy access to the documentation and support features.
Help Center - Get to the documentation pages easily
Support Request - Open a support ticket
Notifications about discovery jobs, scorecard evaluation and Self-Serve Actions runs are displayed here:
Global Search across all aspects of data like services, environments, applications, resources, persons, etc.
Create and run Self-Serve Actions and see the results:
Manage users and teams in the people menu.
Manage your scorecards.
Access your services, environment, application and cloud resources:
Services - View, create, edit, visualize services. A service can be a standard service associated with a repository, or a service that is associated to an external entity with no repository. You can also add plug-ins to the services, view CI/CD options, dependencies, environments, documentation, owners, etc to the services for a single glass pane view.
Environments - View, edit, map, visualize environments to various cloud resources as well as services.
Applications - Group your services into an application. You can create, edit, add services, visualize your applications as well as deep link into your service configurations.
Cloud resources - Visualize all cloud resources discovered via our cloud providers plugins.
Shortcuts to your frequently used features
Application - Shortcut to creating an application.
Service - Shortcut to creating a service.
Environment - Shortcut to creating an environment.
Scorecard - Shortcut to creating a scorecard.
Self Service Action - Shortcut to creating a self service action.
View and edit a Readme of your organization in a markdown editor.
Editing the Readme is available only for admins of your organization.
View the stats on your organization as well deep link to the respective areas of your organization within the configure8 app.
Applications - Number of applications in your org
Services - Number of services in your org
Environments - Number of environments in your org
Resources - Number of cloud resources in your org
Credentials - Number of credentials in your org
Users - Number of users in your org
View the recent self service action results owned by you or your team(s).
View the services with issues owned by you or your team(s).