Relation Endpoints
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Last updated
Relation Endpoints
NB: create/delete relations between discovery created resources are forbidden
Id of the source entity from which we want to get, if not provided, it will return all relations of the target entity or all relations if targetId is not provided
Id of the target entity from which we want to get, if not provided, it will return all relations of the source entity or all relations if sourceId is not provided
Service id as an additional relation parameter. Used ONLY when creating Environment-Resource relation
Id of the entity from which we want to create a relation
Id of the entity to which we want to create a relation
Entity relation field
Entity relation type
, depends_on
, provides
, has_environment
, part_of
, consumes
, uses
, contains
, has_repository
, has_library
, has_manifest
, has_dependency
, child_of
, relative_to
, owned_by
Catalog relation service id
Catalog Source entity id
Catalog Target entity id
Entity relation field
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