
View issue tracking, latest activity from Jira to enrich development lifecycle management of your services within the catalog.

Summary - Creating a Jira Credential

  1. Create an API token for your Atlassian account. Copy the token to a secure location.

  2. Go to configure8 app -> Settings -> Credentials -> Add Credential and select Jira credential provider.

  3. Set up name for the Credential and fill info based on this.

  4. Hit Save. The credentials will be checked and a discovery job will start. Done!

Jira is an application lifecycle management (ALM) tool from Atlassian that provides different packages to suit various customer needs. It is used for bug tracking, issue tracking and project management. Jira is a flexible tool that helps teams plan, manage and report on their work.


The Jira REST API enables you to interact with Jira programmatically. The REST API is used to develop integrations with external applications. An API token is used to authenticate other process with an Atlassian cloud product. You generate the token from your Atlassian account.

In order to get started with embedding your Jira integration, you must create a new API key.

Create an API token from your Atlassian account:

  1. Click Create API token.

  2. From the dialog that appears, enter a memorable and concise Label for your token and click Create.

  3. Click Copy to clipboard, then paste the token elsewhere to save.

Creating a Jira Credential

To connect your Jira account to configure8, perform the following steps.

Get started by navigating to the Credentials page by clicking on the "lock" icon on the menu bar.

Next, select the Add Credential button.

From the Add Credential pop-up, select Jira from the list of available providers.

Next, enter the information required for your credential

  • Name: a recognizable alias for the new credential

  • You Domain: This is your Jira instance domain value.

    • For example, if your Jira instance is https://demodomain.atlassian.net, then your Jira domain value would be demodomain

  • Email: The email used to create the API token.

  • API Key: This is the Jira API token you generated in the prerequisite section.

Select Save to create your Jira credential in configure8. The configure8 app will automatically validate the credentials to make sure they work. If they do not, the credentials will not be saved and you will be prompted to fix them.

Configuring Jira for your Services

Adding a Jira plug-in to your service adds the project activity summary to your service overview page. To add a Jira plug-in to your service, start by selecting a service from your catalog Services listing.

From your service overview page, select the Add Plug-in button.

From the Plugins dialog, browse through the list of available plugins and select the Jira plug-in by clicking on the Add button.

In the Plug-ins configuration wizard, select an existing credential to connect to the selected plugin provider. If you do not have an existing credential or would like to use a new credential, select the Add Credential button.

Next, enter the information required for your Jira plug-in configuration.

  • Plugin Title: the title of the plug-in to display on the service overview page

  • Project Key: This is the Jira project you would like to link to your service. configure8 will query Jira for you and return the available schedules based on the API token provided for you to easily select your desired project.

Once you have entered all the required configuration information, select Done. Your configured plug-in is added to your service overview page.

Last updated