
Embed dashboards and graphs from your Datadog account to enrich the operational visibility of your services within the catalog.

Summary - Creating a DataDog Credential

  1. Go to configure8 app -> Settings -> Credentials -> Add Credential and select DataDog credential provider.

  2. Set up name for the Credential and fill info based on this.

  3. Hit Save. The credentials will be checked and a discovery job will start. Done!

Datadog’s out-of-the-box dashboards and graphs allow you to analyze data from across your entire system in an easy snapshot. Template and auto-generated dashboards enable your team to immediately benefit from dynamic views with no query language or coding required. You can also customize your dashboards with a vast library of visualization tools and drag-and-drop widgets to best meet your team’s needs.


In order to get started with embedding your Datadog dashboards and graphs, you must create an API key as well as an Application keys.

Create API Key

API keys are unique to your organization. An API key is required by configure8 to read metrics and events from Datadog.

To create a Datadog API key, login into the Datadog console and:

  1. Navigate to Organization settings, then click the API keys or Client Tokens tab.

  2. Click the New Key or New Client Token button, depending on which you’re creating.

  3. Enter a name for your key or token.

  4. Click Create API key or Create Client Token.

Create Application Key

In addition to the API key, an Application key must be created. To better protect and secure your applications, you can specify authorization scopes for your application keys to define more granular permissions and minimize the access that applications have to your Datadog data. This gives you fine-grained access control over your applications and minimizes security vulnerabilities by limiting extraneous access. In order to get the most out of configure8, your Application Key must have the following scopes:

  • monitors_read

  • slos_read

To create a Datadog Application key, login into the Datadog console and navigate to Organization Settings > Application Keys. If you have the permission to create application keys, click New Key.

Creating a Datadog Credential

To connect your Datadog account to configure8, perform the following steps.

Get started by navigating to the Credentials page by clicking on the "lock" icon on the menu bar.

Next, select the Add Credential button.

From the Add Credential pop-up, select Datadog from the list of available providers.

Next, enter the information required for your credential.

  • Name: a recognizable alias for the new credential

  • API Key: This is the Datadog API Key you generated in the prerequisite section.

  • Application Key: This is the Datadog Application Key you generated in the prerequisite section.

Select Save to create your Datadog credential in configure8. The configure8 app will automatically validate the credentials to make sure they work. If they do not, the credentials will not be saved and you will be prompted to fix them.

Discover Service Dependencies

Discover Service Dependencies enables configure8 to automatically ingest and sync service dependencies directly from Datadog every time the discovery job is run for the credential.

With Discover service dependencies enabled, configure8 will also automatically detect new services that exist in Datadog and will you to automatically create new services in configure8 linked to the appropriate Datadog service.

If you use environments within your Datadog setup, please specify the name of the environment below the Discover service dependencies checkbox. configure8 will use that environment to sync dependencies and discover new services.

To see suggestions, check your notification tray to see if any suggestions are available:

Clicking view suggestions brings you to a page showing dependency updates as well as new service suggestions. You can select the suggestions to accept and click complete to have your catalog reflect the suggestions.

Configuring Datadog for your Services

Adding a Datadog plug-in to your service will embed a dashboard or graph from Datadog directly on your service overview page. To add a Datadog plug-in to your service, start by selecting a service from your catalog Services listing.

From your service overview page, select the Add Plug-in button.

From the Plugins dialog, browse through the list of available plugins and select the Datadog plug-in of your choice clicking on the Add button.

In the Plug-ins configuration wizard, select an existing credential to connect to the selected plugin provider. If you do not have an existing credential or would like to use a new credential, select the Add Credential button.

Next, enter the information required for your Datadog plug-in configuration.

Datadog Monitors and SLOs

Configure8 connects to Datadog and presents you a multi-select box where you can choose one or more SLO or Monitor. After selecting your desired SLOs and Monitors, click done and and configure8 will add the metrics to your service page.

Datadog Embedded Graphs and Dashboards

To embed a Datadog graph or dashboard, follow the instructions below to retrieve the necessary URL:

To share an entire dashboard publicly, generate a URL:

  1. On the dashboard’s page, click the settings cog in the upper right.

  2. Select Generate public URL.

  3. Under Time & Variable Settings, configure your desired options for the time frame and whether users can change it, as well which tags are visible for selectable template variables.

  4. Copy the URL and click Done.

Once you have entered all the required configuration information, select Done. Your configured plug-in is added to the service overview page.

Last updated