Meta tags are the only local field that can be used in dropdown dataset fields if you want to use one specific metatag value as a default value in text fields.
So if you have some meta tags in your resource, as shown below, It will be rendered as a drop-down with those meta tags. You must use the text version to use meta tags in the webhook headers payload.
Relation properties load up other catalogs related to the chosen one, and you can get access to those fields as well.
You can load up services connected to a resource using this syntax for getting a list of application services, to be shown as a drop-down. Using this type of syntax will result in the following drop-down on the run action popup:
// ... other user inputs
"type": "dropdown",
"title": "Resource service",
"payloadName": "res_service",
"dataset": {
"data": "{{}}",
"label": "name",
"value": "id"
// ... other user inputs
This will only bring up to 50 first services for the resource.
It is also possible to use one specific service for a text field and use a supported fields:
For example, the code below will be rendered to this in the run popup form:
Just so you know, if the value in your service is null, it will be replaced with an empty string.
Children & Relatives
Resources have two other relations that can be used with these syntaxes:
{{resource.children()}} // Only for dropdowns
{{resource.children('ID').id}} // or any other available field from below
{{resource.relatives()}} // Only for dropdowns
{{resource.relatives('ID').id}} // or any other available field from below
Available fields for both children and relatives are: