Input Types

Actions have a section called user inputs to define the form elements you want to be filled when actions are run.

User inputs allow you to create a form with the configuration you define as JSON. In this configuration step, Configure8 provides a flexible range of usage.

In this section, you can use pre-defined input types like Email, URL, Datepicker, and Number inputs, select items from catalog using item selector, create dynamic inputs by defining conditions, or use specific catalog data in your form with the dynamic fields feature.




Required. Type of string

Supported types : text, number, email, url, datepicker, checkbox, dropdown, multiple-dropdown, item-selector


Required. Human-readable title for the input parameter


Required. Unique input parameter identifier

Duplicates are not acceptable


Optional. Human-readable example of the input parameter


Optional. Human-readable description for the input parameter


Optional. Boolean value.

All fields are assumed to be optional by default. To make an input mandatory, you can set required: true


Optional. Array of condition object or condition object.

You can find detailed information and usage examples about conditions on the Dynamic user inputs page.


Optional. Array of option objects. It is used to allow selection from a predefined list in dropdown and multiple-dropdown inputs.

The 'option' object should consist of 'value' and 'label' fields. Example:

"options" :[{ "value": "option_value", "label": "Option Label" }]



The dataset field can be used with item-selectors and dropdown inputs, as well as with the dynamic catalog fields feature. Example: "dataset": { "data": "{{services()}}", "value":"id" }


Optional. Boolean value.

The multiple field can only be used with the item-selector. It is assumed to be multiple: false by default.


Optional. Array of filter object or filter group with and or or

The filter field can only be used with the item-selector. Example: "filter" : [{ "column":"name", "operator":"eq", "value":"Demo Service" }]


Optional. Boolean value.

Hide injectable value in the input and obfuscate it in the action result's logs. See examples

Basic User inputs example

    "type": "text",
    "title": "Provide branch name",
    "payloadName": "ref",
    "defaultValue": "main",
    "helpText": "Branch name (e.g. feature/C8-123)"
    "type": "text",
    "title": "Title",
    "payloadName": "name",
    "defaultValue": "Provide  tiltle"
    "type": "text",
    "title": "Description",
    "payloadName": "pr_name"

User inputs TYPES example:

    "type": "text",
    "title": "Text example",
    "payloadName": "text",
    "defaultValue": "main",
    "helpText": "Text description"
    "type": "dropdown",
    "title": "Dropdown example",
    "payloadName": "dropdown",
    "defaultValue": "first option",
    "options": [
	"value": "first option",
	"label": "any related to first option information which will be used in payload"
    	"value": "second option",
	"label": "any related to second option information which will be used in payload"
    "helpText": "Dropdown description"
    "type": "number",
    "title": "Number example",
    "payloadName": "number",
    "defaultValue": "2",
    "helpText": "Number description"
    "type": "email",
    "title": "Email example",
    "payloadName": "email",
    "defaultValue": "",
    "helpText": "Email description"
    "type": "checkbox",
    "title": "Checkbox example",
    "payloadName": "checkbox",
    "defaultValue": "true",
    "helpText": "Checkbox description"
  } ,
    "type": "datepicker",
    "title": "Datepicker example",
    "payloadName": "datepicker",
    "defaultValue": "01.01.2023",
    "helpText": "Datepicker description"
    "type": "url",
    "title": "URL",
    "payloadName": "URL example",
    "defaultValue": "",
    "helpText": "URL description"

Sensitive User inputs example

    "type": "text",
    "title": "Sensitive Text",
    "payloadName": "sensitive_text",
    "sensitive": true
    "type": "number",
    "title": "Sensitive Number",
    "payloadName": "sensitive_number",
    "sensitive": true
    "type": "email",
    "title": "Sensitive Email",
    "payloadName": "sensitive_email",
    "sensitive": true
    "type": "url",
    "title": "Sensitive URL",
    "payloadName": "sensitive_url",
    "sensitive": true

Read more about the supported user input types and their configurations:

Last updated

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