Catalog dynamic fields

In creating self-service actions, you can choose dynamic inputs from your catalogs (Applications, services, resources).

What are catalog dynamic fields?

Catalog dynamic fields are a predefined syntax that users can use to connect their SSA with their organization catalogs. By using these dynamic fields instead of hardcoding the values to be sent to the third-party webhook, you can send dynamic data such as evaluation passed percentage of a specific scorecard or choose one of the services that are connected to an application and choose one property belonging to that service.

Type of dynamic fields

Dynamic fields can be used in two ways: one is to use them as a single string value, for example, in default value, part of the webhook URL or payload, and the other one is the array one that you can use to fetch a list of entities and choose the desired value from a dropdown, the second one is only available for the user inputs but their value can be used in other parts like webhook headers, payload, webhook URL. for example:


This will result in a string UUID value (3e55c657-e487-4b3f-9738-b136c98ab1ff) and the other type:


This syntax will be rendered to a dropdown consisting of the application services, and you can choose from them to be sent to the third-party service.

Where can I use dynamic fields?

Catalog dynamic fields are usable inside ssa user inputs:

    "type": "text",
    "title": "Application id",
    "payloadName": "app_id",
    "defaultValue": "{{}}"

Webhook URLs:{{}}

Please don't use spaces when you want to use dynamic fields in URLs.



Webhook headers:

  "someKey": "{{}}"

Query params:


Please don't use spaces when using dynamic fields in query parameters.

WRONG: {{}}


And payload:

  "payloadKey": "{{}}"

Dynamic fields that are ending in () (such as {{}}, {{application.metaTags()}}, {{service.applications()}}) are only usable for user input -> dropdown -> dataset.

It's not possible to use multiple catalog root dynamic fields inside one self-service action, so you cannot have both {{}} and {{}} at the same time.

Catalog dynamic field documentation

For more detailed documentation about every catalog-specific dynamic field, use the following links:

Last updated